Winterizing Fuel Tanks

Fall is officially here:  time for the usual festivities such as Halloween trick-or-treating and eating turkey and holiday hams.  And, we failed to mention, winterizing your fuel storage systems.

Yes, that’s right, just behind the crisp, fall mornings and cozy, autumn evenings, winter is lurking.  Now is definitely the time to start thinking snow, ice, freezing temperatures—not to mention asking yourself just how prepared your fuel systems are for winter.


There are four major area to consider regarding the significant benefits of winterizing your fuel tanks; and we at Clean Fuels National will share them with you in the hope you will have zero fuel tank problems throughout the winter months:


  • Electrical Wiring:  Moisture in electrical conduits can certainly freeze amidst the colds of winter.  We suggest having your wiring components inspected and repaired and replaced as needed.  Probes, sensors, electronic line leak detectors, and even the submersible pump itself can be affected by an overlooked wiring issue.  Ice and wires don’t mix, and expensive compliance problems could certainly arise as a result of such an oversight.

  • Pipe Conditions:  Cracks, breaks and joint failures can occur in old or faulty pipes with the repeated freezings and thawings of winter.  Fortunately, your leak detection devices can alert you to a problem before it becomes a compliance issue.  By taking the extra time and double-checking the overall quality of your leak detection devices before winter arrives will pay dividends when springtime comes.

  • Tank Tightness:  It is also a very good idea to have a tank tightness test performed prior to the ground freezing.  Water or other precipitants can creep in through the fittings on top of your UST, the fill port riser, ATG riser, STP riser, or any other miniscule opening and begin to cause problems.  Something as simple as a crack in the threading can be a point of entry and the initiation of a costly problem.

  • Sump Health:  It is your sump’s job to keep water away from key components of your tank.  Ice expanding in your spill buckets, STP well, etc. can cause damage, by allowing water to seep into areas and wreak havoc on your systems.  Again, preventative maintenance will more than pay for itself rather than repair or replacement costs.


It is far better to take a bit more time this fall and make sure everything looks good and is ready to withstand the snow, ice, and freezing temperatures ahead.  Expensive problems crop up in neglected systems, and it is well worth the hassle to correct an issue before it becomes a catastrophe.  Need help getting this squared away for winter?  Clean Fuels National can answer your questions!  Give us a call, any day, any time.